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The Cure - Los Angeles - 25.05.23 MP3 et FLAC

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Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2004
Messages: 284

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 15, 2023 10:08    Sujet du message: The Cure - Los Angeles - 25.05.23 MP3 et FLAC Répondre en citant

Enfin, le troisième soir de Los Angeles (taper inconnu). Pour l'instant, je n'ai écouté en entier qu'Another Happy Birthday, mais le son a l'air bon (+), avec du bavardage audible mais pas trop gênant sur les morceaux calmes.

MP3 :


After attending & taping May 24, ijwthstd, referring to May 25, said in his blog, "I was thinking of going down and trying to get a Garden box but I had a free show by Kara Jackson (at Stories Books & Cafe, in Los Angeles) on my calendar, I listened to a song and decided the Bowl was a bit too much to deal with a few times in a week but thankfully someone had us covered." Meaning, ijwthstd later received a copy of the "master WAV [for May 25] sent to [him] via anonymous source" (and presumably the taper).

This is not the tracked version [unknown-ijwthstd] that ijwthstd had on his blog for download. After being processed & tracked, that version had artifacts that were interpreted on auCDtect, perhaps erroneously, as lossy. I don't have the details to ijwthstd's processing, so I decided to simply track what was there with minimal editing, and everything was shown to be lossless (ref. auCDtect, the frequency and spectral screenshots). I did not alter or modify the audio.

Kudos to ijwthstd & the mystery taper (who someone here might know or recognize).

The Cure
Hollywood Bowl
Los Angeles, CA (USA)
May 25, 2023

This is the 24/48 version which is not compatible to burning to CD.

Source: Audience recording > "AT853 > Sony A-10 (24/4Cool > usb > WAV. (Copy of the) master WAV sent to me via anonymous source."

My part:

Copy of the master WAV (24/4Cool(sent to me from ijwthstd) > CD Wave (tracking) > WAV > Adobe Audition 1.5 (editing) > TLH v2.8.4 (Build 185)(converted WAV > FLAC, acquired .md5) > FLAC (level 6).

01. Alone
02. Pictures Of You
03. A Night Like This
04. Lovesong
05. And Nothing Is Forever
06. It Can Never Be The Same
07. Trust
08. A Fragile Thing
09. Three Imaginary Boys
10. A Strange Day
11. Burn
12. Fascination Street
13. Push
14. A Forest
15. Shake Dog Shake
16. From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
17. Endsong
18. (encore pause)
19. I Can Never Say Goodbye
20. Want
21. Another Happy Birthday
22. Plainsong
23. Disintegration
24. (encore pause)
25. Lullaby
26. The Walk
27. Friday I'm In Love
28. Close To Me
29. In Between Days
30. Just Like Heaven
31. Boys Don't Cry
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The Cure
The Cure

Inscrit le: 24 Mai 2005
Messages: 16571

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 15, 2023 10:17    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

allez hop, chargement.
Merci Cool
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Inscrit le: 26 Fév 2008
Messages: 2834
Localisation: 68

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 15, 2023 16:10    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci Holden Cool
"les albums de The Cure, je les aime tous, mais à des degrés différents" (prayer 2008)
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Inscrit le: 31 Aoû 2007
Messages: 4551
Localisation: Dieppe

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 15, 2023 19:54    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci Cool
Please come home
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Graphisme : Julien Bremard - Dev : Pierre Bremard